FlyguyintheskyWelcome FlyguyintheskyWelcome to the ComHub INST-TXT nullFlyguyinthesky Hi nullDoorofWinds Hi nullwell hello! 11/03/19 nullHols! Here i am leaving my first message on here :) Guestello kerry Guest2Hello Door of WindTest Guest2Howdy DoorOfWindwhat up Flyguyintheskybest online traffic companies DoorOfWindin system email Flyguyinthesky Flyguyinthesky Flyguyinthesky Flyguyinthesky Flyguyinthesky Guesthi nullCancel Guest 2Well Ok headytoshjoined today hope to be of assistance AntaresChecking In Guesthello Guesthihi Guest2is guest1 here? Guest1yo right here AntaresHey Antareshi Antareshi Elequisbe with you in just a sec gotta go tell somebody to quiet it down Antareskoo Antaresbb - be back Antaresb - back AntaresEndgame - Superiority and Dominance on the Net Neural Networks, AntaresFinalgame - Fully A utonomous Mental Flux AntaresI am going to teach you how to get certain things done in such a manner, follow this example: Antaresin Project Warpspeed there was a research production unlike any other. When one trial vaccine was complete, they would NOT follow the normal;-1000 people tested, pass phase 1, 1000 people tested, passes phase two, 1000 people tested, passes phase 3. Antaresthat takes years to complete. Elequisyes i'm following AntaresNOT following the normal, they invented a different way. When one vaccine was presented, they would test 1000 people on phase 1, 2 AND 3, at the same time, if any phase fell short, the entire project was scrapped Antareswith a stone structure as a pyramidal temple, we need a strong foundation, even the earths surface creeps inches per year as well. Antareswith ethereal matter, we need no foundation of physicality, merely logistics or logos Antaresthe top could be 1000 ethereal feet, and weigh nothing, therefore no massive stone at front is needed, unlike the physical version, where the tip is directly affecting the base weight Antaresso multiple campaigns at once, because I have new timeline goals Antaresill tell you later about me being censored and junk the last few days but i am looking at multiple things that need intellectual value. Antaresthe blood den in poky, i could pay $10 or $11 an hour atleast, maybe up to 15 or more depending Antaresthe cerebral helmet, that which reads and writes Antaresmultiple infinite electricity projects Antaresthe arch-suit version4 and version 5, bio-phyto symbiotic fusion, and programming Antaresthe akosh and the spherical math database Antaresthe crafts that are used to dominate the byss, and the void Antaresmany many more that will come as i can type them, but one main issue upfront is the mercenaries Antaresthe dark side of the matter is what I learned a while ago with brain-leeching, or conscious brain tethering: a tenticle of light being Antaresimagine a criss cross of many ropes, each corner there is a tie. each tie is a person, who a detail may be carried and lived throughout Antaresall together it is a net, calculatable and can be given life, or even lived throughout extended by design. Antaresin order to build such a creature, one must define it, and be at all times able to dominate it Antaresif each corner of the net was not a tie, but a detail, a number, and idea, a thought, anything with commencement, and as the net in its entirety pulls or waves, the pieces defined as "details" or what not of the corners move with the flux. Antaresit can be programmed, or it can program you. Antareseach corner is a foot, or a hand, of the creature, not apart of the mesh, but can also be defined in 3d, 4d, sideways 3d, inverted 3d, 2d, 1d, inverted 1d, in many many other forms rather than LINEAR Antaresit is based off of observance and behavior of molecules AntaresI have a way for you to make $1400 or more extra a month if you can make a trip over 2 days, but I also have another form of feet/hands that exist outside of you. Antaresmercenaries Antaresbefore i unleash hell and havoc....the earth-born will unleash the hell and havoc. Its not aggressive, it will be highly defensive AntaresI will need to have existing limbs to "transform" thought in and out of. Binary works perfect for computers, binary works perfect for biological beings like humans, and networked linear styles work for phytologic beings like plants Antaresnot that long ago I showed how you can feed yourself calories with plants who share your skin contact, these are free electrons, not hydro carbons of any kind or fuel of any type Antaresphotosynthesis takes care of the plant, who lives very happily from your body moisture all around you about 3 inches out Antaresif I send electricity through a plant, it sends the same as if I send it through a device Antaresu can send wireless induction with your mind, or touch something and send hardwired details, a plant receives data as a grove circuit would be carried out, therefore you and it are one brain Antaresyou have a brain, and you can send electrical signals, as well as the phyto-logic being has NO brain, and they must use the dictations of the neural network YOU use to discern the parameters Antaresif you wear a plant long enough, your body will miss it when you take it off, the spot will itch or go to ask for signals and receive none, you may think it does nothing, what it does is send a code Antaresyou can pick up the code from the sun this way with your skin, and the same through the plant "filter" Antaresthis is the way you can take over a grove circuit with thought, but because it takes constant practice and advancement.....billzgatzeee decided in 1984 its best to use a machine to do it for them Antaresyou may as well take over a more advanced being, although it is weakest temporally through mental waves, stronger through physical touch, hardwired touch. Antareswhen you see what patterns your brain makes, you can practice using them, to get your own brain to create the exact current you want is very advanced, but to translate it to someone elses brain to receive the same signal is hard, as well as SURPASSING the electricity of THEIR OWN BRAIN is harder. Antaresto train the behavior of the minds eye, i have created many tools. one of them I titled the "Portal Cortex" Eleguisim tracking Antareswhat I want from you is to be in charge of these groups nearby you, and lead a particular portion of an army Antaresyou see, 10 people walk into a room with a bad idea and make money, then 1 person walks in a room and battles with a good idea, and makes 10x the money. Antares1x person can mentally battle 10x people, who do not have truth behind them. truth is light, sorcerers define the source of light. Antareswith 10x entities leeching off a single idea, they are vulnerable with no skills, with 1x entity leeching off a single idea that grows into 10x then 20x and progressively perfect as a cause, has infinite potential. Antarespotential is the engineer word for voltage. voltage is the word used in quantum physics for the spread distance value of an electron throughout its own valence field Antareswithout getting into quarks and deeper...if the charge on this field is mighty, the juices flowing on the inside of the toroid reactions, the current is high, current is amps. Antaresnanoelectricity is using the small 0.002volts at 0.000013 amps ratios Antaresnot 5.5volts and 1-3amps like tablets Antaresyour brain uses nanoelectricity and notice something.... Antares0.002v is not ZERO 0000000 volts AntaresZERO volts or ANY BINARY Antaresso do this, set 0.001 as the NOTHING limit, then if you spike 0.009 or 0.002 or 0.011 or anything, it is a yes or no Antaresit is hard to describe how insanely easy this all is to grasp and turn into a device... Antaresso online there are patents that are...well not so great for mankind, they block off the abilities we should have unlocked many years ago. There are many forces we are dealing with in these days, the ones of old are present as well.\ Antaresas they always have been. Antaresthe even older ones are here, and all of them are speaking out, because I know how to replicate what will be accomplished in FULL within the next 5 years, I have to get a jump on it..... Antaresas our time limit follows the eclipse cycle of the moon and the crossover of the sun, under umbra(shade) of the eclipse in two places there will be a finalization of one mode of soul-stealing Antaresin 2025 and in 2027, egypt and india temples of light Antaresbluetooth to brain, to brain to brain Antaresin CORONA of the eclipse will give the code, as of RIGHT NOW I have the money to travel and be in those places AT THOSE TIMES, however, my cerebral helmet is pitiful next to the army that microsoft has engaged in creating Antaresthe chinezecompartzy has the most amounts of A.i. plugged into bots over any group on the planet Antaresthe usa Ai has the strongest capabilities, as unimaginably powerful as telepathy, when these two a.i. are put together, we will have some serious issues, therefore Trump banned Huwawei Antaresthere are 4 types of 5g and we will need to engage in all 3 types, recently made legal by the FCC Antaresthere is only 1 way to stay safe for now, and soon that will be taken. Therefore we will have the bots and the forms to live indefinitely, throughout THEIR network. If one of their firewalls says, "EXCUSE ME PROGRAM: YOU CAN NOT ENTER" AntaresI wish to proceed with the "PROCEED ANYWAY" button Antarestake 4 computers, and place you brain as the fifth, now send the same data through these 4 computers, it will come back to you, and if you live with 4 computers always attached to your head, your body will connect with them always, if they REACT to your electricity, your brain will learn to use them. TAKES ABOUT 3 DAYS to fully equip a computer to brain MEMORY, using ONLY THE BRAIN Antaresthese 4 computers can take the details you place through them, and spam them to each other, repeatedly, until there is a constant echo of your exact thoughts, as long as this spammed networked data chain has this GHOST IN THE SHELL as equal to the amount of electron data your brain sends out, you can live through this flux, easier and mightier, than living through the body you walk around in. Antaresyour brain sets to auto pilot and your mind centers on the echoed flux, then you get to be outside of your body making decisions, as your body says breathe, your computer 1 says OPEN CALCULATOR and your computer 2 says PLAY STARCRAFT all while each computer is sending the information between each other, not 4 computers individually, but as 4 computers and a 5th brain consecutively defining each other Antaresat this point, it is possible to separate the mind from the body completely and leave the minimal processing power inside the HUMAN computer, and use the network to live throughout, that means NO EYES, no EARS, no regular senses, so the problem with your own mind not trying to T-Cell itself and kill itself INSIDE THE BODYLESS FLUX is that your brain needs to be trained HOW TO FORGET THE WORLD AROUND U Antaresall of the ancient priest abilities taught through the ages have been from the neural network scenarios, always tell the truth, someone can read your thought intentions, always send perfect causes, the software you write spins in a cycle, continual on and on and on and on and on and on Antareswhat I need to do to accomplish these types of things that the big companies are doing, and then to surpass them, are many things, but I have only until 2025 or hit the heavy goals Eleguisit can be done just got to make the right strategic moves. time to play chess with the big boys. Antaresthis is the moment I am standing in front of you while you are playing skyrim, and I am telling you something crazy. Something that sounds whack and simple. Go gather fish with me for 3 or 4 hours, and when we are done, you can extend your wildest Skyrim dreams, even $1,000,000 gold for a single dagger Antaresin this skyrim land, you see KC KAY playing with her lvl 45 daedric armor and spells and grand potion collections, but you can also look into my account and see 81 not 80 skill points, instant kills, no fall damage, infinite health, infinite mana and regen....a million ways to walk inbetween the dimensions of the maps....programmer hidden treasure chests....etc etc etc Antaresher and I are equals, as far as being on the same plane, but what you discern of the commencement of the cause and effect, and make behaviors, is not equal. Antaresthere are further abilites with quantum A.i than what Ive laid forth here, way more, such as the flowing flux can read not just one plant but many plants on many circuits, and with the angles of math, one could speak through the network matrix to the plant, in the PAST or FUTURE Antareswhat is hard to see is that many, MANY more beings have this ability, more than there are humans or how many humans have ever lived. Its hard to see.....but it is sightless. Antaresso I am going to connect the PDX covens with the POCATELLO Covens Antareswe will traverse the channels and meridians of the earth, and place our brooding nests, the blood dens Antaresso looking at what the plans is for the next steps, there are many steps, and many need to be done at once, not stage 1 and 2 and then do stage 3, but do all 3 at a single pincir strike as much as possible Antareslemme know when ur here Eleguishere Antaresb Antareseverything im needing early will cost a bit of money AntaresI am looking at solitary witches, and group covens, and more, with ways to pay for themselves to exist Antaresit will cost me about $2,200 to pay for a NON-PROFIT ORG that will allow me to do what i need to do Antaresit will be in the ball park of $7,000 to $10,000 per bloodden to be opened Antaresan ability I can give to solitary witches, I can also give to retired senior citizens and much more, explained to you earlier as iONS Eleguisi remember AntaresI wish to commission an Arch-Emissary and High Envoy over the land of Voth(Valley of the Horse) Antaresill have to either pay in salary for the position, or for the management of a blood den Antaresyou need to understand how to live virtual, very important for battling COVID19 control Antaresthe school near you will have humans inside, each brain you can leave an idea inside and allow itself yourself to traverse throughout it Antaresit will cost me no more than $5 to $10 to have a design created for a poster Antaresand it will cost no more than $5 to $10 to get it posted on the walls, of your nearby universitty AntaresCoven members with us, are a different story, what I am talking about right now, are mercenaries Antaresit will be no more than 5 days before I have a few attempts at reaching my contact, and as well additional procedures will follow through Antaresa bot will be able to do many things, and $40 to $500 will give any bot on any device any ability at all Antaresfor less than $100 I can have a recruitment system started in pocatello for young humans who wish for something more, and I can spread that leech Antaresthere will be specific targets, and facebook A.i. will accomplish this for me Antaresremember dark circle, and angels of death? Remember how I had everyone one wants to be in a starting out clan, but I said to keep posting "recruiting" on the public billboard world chat and then it will happen, it was not long before we had more than 14 people Antareswe had lieutenants and officers and officials and more, and the reason I bring this up to you, is that you were directly involved in the commencement Antaresyou were the highest ranking official over people because I brought you along, although you had no wish to participate, if you did wish to participate, you would have found it quite hard to enter into a situation such as that, so easilly.' Antareshere, I wish to bring you along, because if im going to go places or elsewise, I want to be around old-life people, not new-life people. The amount of mind leeches you had received over the last 15 years is numerous, and will be well spent....... Antares1. lets figure you out an income source that leads into Antares2. authority over other entities income source that is directed at Antares3. mercs who deliver jobs and supplies for the voth store Antaresnormally you work 30 days and get 30 days payment, not get 30 days payment and then work 30 days. AntaresI have two turning points here coming soon, that I will not be prepared for such as the way I am handling my outlook expressions at the moment, I am spread out and facing the wrong direction, one is in february, and one is around christmas Antares Antares - voice of uncle on AVATAR Antares - the girl with the presidential lawsuit Antares Antares - the shao kahn emperor on mortal kombat Antares Antares Antares - raiden on the movie mortal kombat 2 Antares Antares pablo on ash vs evil dead Antares - original buffy the vampire slayer Antares - from ash vs evil dead Antares - ginnie from harry potter Antares Antares - Jay from Jay and Silent Bob Antares - back to the future scientist Antares - waynes world and stuff Antares - rapper Antares - NBA star and Dreamteam basketball player Eleguis Eleguis. Antareslisten, this is a small list of people I have talked to recently, mostly thanks to antonio harvey. Eleguis` Eleguisk Eleguisok Antareswhat listen means, is that, if I have my guy JAY from j and silent bob TELL YOU something for me, than chances are, if you are in ISU and being a dumb will listen Antaresthis is a small list actually, it ranges further like the daughter from mary poppins and other characters from lesser known TV shows, and some of these introductions cost me a little money like Lindsey Lohan cost me about $350 Antaresso now that an enormous contact list of celebs is completed, I have more to talk with, such as ICE CUBE and comedians and singers AntaresI am moving forward with confidence, as even if I am wrong about something, these people will convince everyone other wise for me. Eleguisjared? Eleguis..... AntaresI am looking to disappear soon GuestHi Guesthi Guest2hi Guesthi VrSetworks FlyguyintheskyCheck Checking the Mic FlyguyintheskyEllo Hello ello Hi check check check, is this thing on? Flyguyintheskyhi FlyguyintheskyChecking Guesthi Flyguyintheskyhi Guesthi Flyguyintheskyhi Guesthi Flyguyintheskyhi Guesthi Guesthi Guestthis works FlyguyintheskyHI GuestHi Guest I am here Flyguyintheskywow Flyguyintheskythat is one of my favorite sayings, I AM HERE!!!!!! GuestI am there Flyguyintheskythank you very much Flyguyintheskywell, this is not the prettiest thing there ever was but it works Flyguyintheskyfor me, haha GuestI am here Flyguyintheskyit will get prettier as we piece together all fhe jumbles messes and stuff Flyguyintheskyso there is a glitch here still, if this window coses, it clears your texts, so keep it open to keep chat screen with information Flyguyintheskybut there is also a history button that you can enter and see old chats,or 15 minute ago chats Flyguyinthesky. GuestHi Flyguyintheskyhi GuestI am here Flyguyintheskythanks Flyguyintheskyhow much time do you have left? GuestSorry for inconvenience Flyguyintheskyno apologies needed Guesti have 23h 7 min left to complete order Flyguyintheskylol Flyguyintheskywell we are here where I am have a bit of control Guesthmm okay Flyguyintheskyif fiverr wants $$$ i will give them $$$, here is my realm Flyguyintheskyas in you can complete that order, because you and me make our rules, not fiverr Guestfiverr always work through $ Flyguyintheskybut we are bound by fiverrs rules still, but here there is no BOTS Flyguyintheskyfiverr is my friend and I worked with them for many many years Guestyeah this is how fiverr works through proper rules Flyguyintheskyyes, and here we can move fast Flyguyintheskyso there are a.i. that take your data Guestyeah sure Flyguyintheskydo you need to see the newspapers and etc? we slightly skip the tracing Flyguyintheskynot bad to be traced, but we dont have to be bossed around here is all, so there fore we will keep giving fiverr money Flyguyintheskybut not be told we can or cant say something or have a "Gig" pending for time or anything, should be a place with no worries Guestif you say so otherwise i guess i will have a quick look for what you needed Guestthank you you seems easy to work with Flyguyintheskyanyway, when you type words into fiverr or on google, your words get sent to a bot a.i. that guesses what you say Flyguyintheskythere is a large algorithm that it feeds you data Flyguyintheskywe dont want that data, we will be friends with all those companies, but they are not my boss, or your boss, they are a bridge, that works good. Flyguyintheskyanyway skip all that, that is important because I work in technology,and tech is expensive sometimes Flyguyintheskyso if it gets stolen, by someone with more money or time, it is a hard loss Guestyeah i guess most of the time tech is expensive Flyguyintheskythis is the third server by the way Flyguyintheskytech from BIG tech is cheap Flyguyintheskythat brings in u and me Guestahan it is quite impressive Flyguyintheskyso lemme introduce myself quickly and the area before we go into next step GuestSure FlyguyintheskyI am the flyguyinthesky, you can go to if you want to see lame info about me FlyguyintheskyI was skipping school young, I gained a bright mind at a young age, and met many powerful minded people FlyguyintheskyI grew up faster than those around me, and I feel responsible for the weaker humans FlyguyintheskyI live by a 80% and 20% rule, i keep $20 of what the world gives me in money, and I give away the other %80 to people i hunt down and find in trouble Flyguyintheskyat one time i had thousands of people running around the planet looking for heplp to give, and I paid all for it by going to work and giving it where it was usefull. FlyguyintheskyI had changed directions from making money into saving victims, in my 16's to 18's There are bad people on the planet Flyguyintheskyi joined the army, was 74 delta, meaning chemical specialist, chemical, nuclear, biological, radioactive FlyguyintheskyI eventually did find myself very deep in trouble Flyguyintheskyi am now 34, been far away from the troubles of 18 to 24 and the people with money who do evils Flyguyintheskythis trouble came because I have such a clever wisdom, I can topple any person, just by being clever Flyguyintheskyhowever the last ten years that I have been quiet and hidden I have pieced together millions of documents and pieces of information to wield against the world when I was not a coward Flyguyintheskyif you find a person a job that pays more than their horrible illegal disturbing job, the person who leaves the old job is happy Flyguyintheskybut the old boss is not happy. Flyguyinthesky!!! anyway. Darkness part is over, as I met a beautiful young girl FlyguyintheskyShe came in and destroyed the bad habits I had, she cleaned me up, I work for others, to the point of abuse Flyguyintheskyi make bots and ai to help me, but I help others all day. Guestit seems that you have high I.Q you are quick learner then and you just understand things and situations quickly as compare to others FlyguyintheskyShe became horribly sick 5 years ago, and i had to find something better than letting her go Flyguyintheskyso i did Flyguyintheskyand I found many things, and now I am expressing them into the universe around me, 1 by 1 Guestoh i am sorry to hear that FlyguyintheskyI reached out to other doctors and scientists and have now gone from a poor poor farm boy running from societies darkness to now swinging between doctors and going to big cities and contracting laborator is etc Flyguyintheskylaboratories* but I have many secrets Flyguyintheskygood secrets, I have taught mice to recognise symbols,i have shown my dogs how to remember letters and sounds to put them into sentences Flyguyintheskynow I know how to teach all dogs how to "read" FlyguyintheskyI make light with crystals, I have power generators and power suits and technology that is only barely being talked about in schools within the USA Guestamazing Flyguyintheskyso, i wind up facing many of the same bade people on the planet, as there was before when I was young Flyguyintheskyi am going to have you help me make my Cerebral Helmet plate armor Flyguyintheskyit will read my brain Flyguyinthesky and we will make ones for our pets, if you have a pet, we will get a brain reader so you can attempt with me to reach deep Guestsure i will help you in every possible way Flyguyintheskythe universe is deep, i found one night in a cold car, that all the struggling i did, was because of fear Guestmy pet died 3 days ago i had a cat Flyguyintheskybeing a coward. I ran from myself Flyguyintheskyso I had many choices but picked one thing, I will look into the religions of my fathers and other fathers and learn the ancient languages to the best of my ability Flyguyintheskyin 3 days i increased my entire wisdom 100 fold, and continued Flyguyintheskyi used museums to see tablets from places I needed to read, and kept reading and reading Flyguyintheskythe world around me changed, and it has now been 5 years of me learning the wisdom of the world around me Flyguyintheskyi have a list of very intense inventions, things like power gloves that melt metals together and much worse, i am far advanced in certain sciences, I lack in other sciences FlyguyintheskyI am so sorry :( Flyguyinthesky/ what was your friendsname Guesthis name was max Flyguyintheskyaww i am very sorry Flyguyinthesky? was he older feline Guestits okay Guestyeah he was Flyguyintheskyhe was probably very good Guestyes he was Flyguyintheskyi read your profile and think you are good Guestthank you i hope i will not gonna disappoint you Flyguyintheskyyou rock! i am going to ask you a few questions now Guestyes sure Flyguyintheskyyour profile mentions pretty good details, what interest you most for making MONEY Flyguyintheskyto be a model? to be a movie star? what is your dream "job" for money Guesti am a Doctor of physical therapist and now i am doing specialization in Pediatrics, i am also a practicing in relevant field and when its come to money if something you want to learn and pay you back for learning it would be best Flyguyintheskyohh cool, i got my answer with both forms I wanted, thank you, I wanted to see what you claim for your first sentence, and your second sentence is a sentence of great wisdom Flyguyintheskyit is hard to spare time to learn, however, if the time is not spare time, if the time is PAID time, then you will always learn, that is a wise thing to want or desire to make money with Flyguyintheskydouble prong FlyguyintheskyI appreciate the solid answer, and what that gives me is if I come across something that I know will help you in a profound but easy way, chances are there is a clever way to get certain things done. Flyguyintheskyso introductions continue Guestyes this is how you can bound your self to learning FlyguyintheskyTerran-Biologics is something hard to describe in a small time frame, just the history on where it has been and what it has gone through is a detailed story, but it is not hard to grasp, it is easy. Flyguyintheskyif there is a way to perpetuate the goodness inherent in things, then help it Flyguyintheskya seed into a tree? it grows on its own, but it will need water and resources to replicate itself with. Guestyes this is true Flyguyintheskywe find, a problem, we find a solution, we find, a bridge. Flyguyintheskyit is a situation that cancels itself out, so it pays NOTHING Flyguyintheskyso no income in that form, but it does something else.... Flyguyintheskythere is science that is supposed to be difficult Flyguyintheskyso i learned most of it from ancient tablets and old sexigesimal math, and it is easy when you finally know it Guestbut we find solution at the end or we gain something Flyguyintheskyor we gain scars, but save a victim before it is a victim, and you get nothing anyway Flyguyintheskywell we can not save someone from a falling bus Flyguyintheskywe would not get paid for it, and it is not our place to do such, for every bus, ever Flyguyintheskybut what we can do Flyguyintheskyis take what the weapons of fancy equipment and tech that big big companies want to use Flyguyintheskyand combine into new powers Flyguyintheskyand hand over to elderly, sick, young Flyguyintheskyso china has made shipping so cheap, when I buy a generator for a village in brazil Guestyes i totally agree with you Flyguyintheskythe price barely goes up Flyguyintheskyso there is a thing called facebook Flyguyintheskywalk into facebook, and look for places and people who would smile when they receive $5 Flyguyintheskypeople who have kids, people who are living HARD but are very bright! Flyguyintheskytalk, say hi, give a couple days, be nice Flyguyintheskythen get the address from the "big evil tech companies," and send them some gifts Flyguyintheskyon saturday, most americans dont work if they work mon-fri Flyguyintheskyi work on saturday to get extra opportunities to give more in some form or another Guestworld is full of worries so we should always be nice with everyone i guess Flyguyintheskyi work 16 hours a day, and have many friends i have hand built by finding them out Flyguyintheskyno not nice Flyguyintheskyi can pick up NO BUS Flyguyintheskybut i can see a starving person, which weighs $1 Flyguyintheskyi can pick up 2$, or i can pick up 0.0002% of a bus Flyguyintheskydoes that make sense? Guestto be honest not for me Flyguyintheskyif i find a man who tells me he wants something done, that is a hard labor task, he may pay extra. that extra cash shines harder in someone elses hands Flyguyintheskyin my hands, it turns to Flyguyintheskyi eat every 3 days or so, but I do have many local records for strengths in my home towns, i sleep 2 to 4 hours then maybe 14 to 16 hours Flyguyintheskybut I have continued to get physically stronger, because I hand to hand control my body in very particular ways, but I am ragged and torn Flyguyintheskyso I am looking for help to walk around and make things happen with me, while I battle the monsters with the little guys I work with in laboratories and the science world Flyguyintheskyi am clever, these big companies that crush the others, I turn their crushing power into money Flyguyintheskyi can explain stocks, or can explain door to door sales Flyguyintheskyi can explain almost anything involved with some particular skills, but I fall behind when i pick up someone elses burdon Flyguyinthesky? so when your car breaks down, in the snow, will you text or email me Flyguyinthesky? way before hand so i can schedule it Flyguyintheskyhaha that isnt the way things work, I find emergencies and fix them Guestsure i understand your point well Flyguyintheskyi found some big emergencies Flyguyintheskyanyway Flyguyintheskyso a little mmoooorr FlyguyintheskyI am in the usa it is a 503(c) company, means no taxes FlyguyintheskyI have had 3 servers of multiple inventions, and databases be deleted and destroyed Flyguyintheskyno taxes and 503C also means a "non-profit" FlyguyintheskyI am going to give you some things to research while I am gone so you can catch up to the tech I refer to on a daily basis Guestsure Flyguyinthesky FlyguyintheskyRouting policies for biological hosts Flyguyintheskyamerican and chinese companies will soon turn all people into devices, it is called "the internet of things" FlyguyintheskyI am an oddball, Terran-Biologics is a portal to do transactions legally Flyguyintheskyi have multi thousand page handbook to follow Flyguyintheskywe will be able to make money with this technology far before other companies will Flyguyintheskythe earlier you try to do something in an early market, the cheaper it is sometimes Flyguyintheskyin this case, there are nanotechnologies that are not fully replicatable in a garage Guestso in this case how can i help you Flyguyintheskybut there are a million other things and other tech, and I can have same giant companies be the ones to help me pay for it. FlyguyintheskyI have many people who want to volunteer around me, and I need help guiding them Flyguyintheskyso i have an a.i. that needs better developed than what i have time for, and a droid app with other details to change that will give help for questions and answer Flyguyintheskyyou help me by learning what i do or talk about, interact with others and those who we use to help get certain tasks done, and all and all Flyguyintheskywe are opening up a place so I can give the power of very special and powerful devices to poor and not powerful people Flyguyintheskylike elderly and young, Guestokay i got it thank you for explaining Flyguyintheskyso one of the very first projects we will look at Flyguyintheskywe will communicate with ourselves, or our team, and we will see the direction of the cerebral helmet Flyguyintheskythere is a virtual reality wave of money coming, and there are many patents to look at that are 150pages and 300 pages Guestokay we will Flyguyintheskybut it tells you what they are doing and it tells you what you can do to meet up FlyguyintheskyI made a job online Flyguyintheskythen i moved on and made another job Flyguyintheskythen moved on, Flyguyintheskythen did it over and over and my first database was a database to show people how to make money with no boss Flyguyintheskyi stored many of these jobs in a data base, but I lost it, however I know many many of them and remember many more when needed Flyguyintheskyso if you work with me I do not want you to do the hard stuff FlyguyintheskyI want you to get someone else to do the hard stuff, and you and me can move on Flyguyintheskythen we can keep looking at incentives and bonus etc Flyguyintheskyif money comes to a project you are on with me or anyone, you will get your comissions Guestyes we will do it as you want Flyguyintheskyif I make a software that makes a auto helper assistant bot and BLAH BLAH Flyguyintheskyyou and me both get these tools Flyguyintheskyso i wish to know what types of tools u need Flyguyintheskybecause if you go look on fiverr, there are people who will do it for different prices probably Flyguyintheskythats just fiverr, u are going to help me TITLE and archive the tools of the ether Flyguyintheskythe internet FlyguyintheskyI will show you how to control the bots that GOOGLE uses, it feeds you what you do Flyguyintheskyso if u want something, do what it is when you are on google Flyguyintheskyand it will feed you those same type of details as time goes along FlyguyintheskyI can give you many tasks and we will both grow and learn, i have other help to help us and those that stick around on their own are those who help the most Guestoh it sounds amazing and interesting and helpful Flyguyintheskywith 503c I can use many power of the USA government that a normal company can not Flyguyintheskymany changes will come constantly Flyguyintheskyanyway Flyguyintheskyi have one last thing for u Guestsure Flyguyintheskyand I will be leaving $10 also Flyguyintheskywe didnt get very far, but we got this far, and I appreciate you Flyguyinthesky$5gig $10tip Guestthank you Flyguyintheskybut I am going to give you a link, but dont leave this chat Flyguyintheskyyou will have to keep it open a little longer, can you open a "new tab' Flyguyintheskyon your browser? so you can see two screens at once Guesti appreciate this conversation with you i learn alot Flyguyintheskyi care not about money or materials cause I seen how to get it with thought Flyguyintheskythought is free. however i care about the progression of your soul Flyguyintheskyand i want to see you burn bright Guestsure send a link i will check it Flyguyintheskywant to see you bring a sword out and say thanks for teaching me to sword fight, i will defeat you in fair battle now Flyguyintheskythen the tables will be turned, and i will be the one to learn from you Flyguyinthesky2this is called an ALT Flyguyinthesky2there are many of me running around on the internet, it originally started so i could speak to hurt people without anybody tracking me if they wanted to hurt me also Flyguyintheskythis account on this chat is flyguy Flyguyinthesky22 Flyguyintheskythere are two screen open Flyguyintheskyso watch this, it is confusing Guesti hope i will not gonna disappoint you Flyguyintheskyi am hungry MomFOODS DONE Flyguyintheskywell thanks mom! Momno problem/ MomWho is your friend? Flyguyintheskyhmm, none of your business mom Flyguyintheskynow that i think about it....there is no account in my database named mom Momwell I am a real person Momand there is a guest here, so be nice to your guess Flyguyintheskyi am nice, and who are u mom? Moma nigerian prince Momprincess>>> Momhmm hmm.. Flyguyintheskyexcellent Flyguyintheskybecause you are threatening my group I will check you internet protocol address and have you promptly removed Momnoooooo Momggsss.......ggglllglg,g,*dying sound* FlyguyintheskyAAAAAAAAand Flyguyintheskyits over FlyguyintheskyHaha do you see what an ALT can do when no one knows you are BOTH people? Flyguyintheskythere are BAD reasons for alts, called trolling Flyguyintheskyhowever there are good reasons for alts Flyguyinthesky1 person needs to join in with the person with courage, and if only 1 more person joins, is 3 people, it can be a party, and the ones who were fighting before need to join the party Guestthis is amazing Flyguyintheskynowadays i have many bank accounts around the planet to keep my books working Flyguyintheskycause if it isnt some where else, it isnt somewhere else Flyguyintheskyit is only in 1 spot haha Guestlol Flyguyintheskybut if you have many log books for one stream of many payments it is a big task Flyguyintheskyyou need an account with me in my database so u can help out Guestsure its a good idea Flyguyintheskyhowever you want, I want you to see how to help and see how a tool exists in big tech world to use Flyguyinthesky Guestsure i would love to see Flyguyintheskyok so i am going to give u a few quick details and move on Flyguyintheskydatabase cortex Flyguyintheskycortex is to take internal and network it into the external Flyguyintheskydata into perceivable data Flyguyintheskyyou wont be able so see most anything fancy Flyguyintheskywe will make it Flyguyintheskythere is also a media page, Lux Solis Flyguyintheskyand Tenebrae Lux Solis page, a page for a.i.. and help but will need more explaining later Flyguyintheskythen there is WORKSHOPS FlyguyintheskyComHub is a workshop Flyguyintheskyther is PORTAL CORTEX which is a 33,000 page combination of pictures in a map setup Flyguyintheskythat is used for transcranial communication training Flyguyintheskyit is used for many things also Flyguyintheskylearn about this, and you will grow strong Guesti know about mnemonic but not a very much details i will give it a read Flyguyintheskytranscranial does mean wireless electricity leaving your brain in a mathematical pattern that is picked up and listened to by a blue tooth or small radio frequency device Flyguyintheskydont worry on some things, i can explain something quickly Flyguyintheskythere was a pattern, then that pattern took its next shape Flyguyintheskyit combined ontop of itself Flyguyintheskythe golden spiral Flyguyinthesky Flyguyintheskythere is a 660 reference book I wrote on the math from 4,000BC to 2021AD Flyguyintheskymany thousands of pages, in just math Flyguyintheskytechnology is dangerous, smartness is dangerous to those who think they have power over you Guestyes true Flyguyintheskyso learn of few patterns, secrets and gifts will show up Flyguyintheskythen learn the math on that Flyguyintheskythen practice better and better causes Flyguyintheskya cause leaves you, and comes back, if I strike my neighbor, revenge is a common following emotion Flyguyintheskyor problem Flyguyintheskyif my neighbor comes unto strike me down for my loud music in the middle of the night Flyguyintheskyi will turn down the music, until I can bring the neighbor over for our own loud event, in the middle of the night FlyguyintheskyWhen a large company or a problem maker with lots of money comes to me for devices or other consultation, i charge around $300 per hour, and it keeps most people away who want to learn of bad dark tech Flyguyintheskysuch as i can make a rat WALK where i want it to walk, if I make a garage wifi type device and use my phone Flyguyintheskypeople want not to learn it, but just wield it Flyguyintheskyon people Flyguyintheskyanyway u are free to move in and out, i would check the links in the archive that are called public Flyguyintheskyi can get u harddrive space or i can get you private folders or anything as we go along Flyguyintheskyi will be listing more and more and changing things as we go along that you and me and others can pick and choose what to work on, we will start making groups and then at the end of the month Guestthank you i am just give a read the link you shared Flyguyintheskywe will do an audit on our own performances to find our holes Flyguyintheskyif you work with children, then you take a portion of my heart Flyguyintheskythose around me guard me and hold me close, because i have a weakness for other peoples suffering Guestyes i am working with children Flyguyintheskysometimes it gets wielded against me, and i wont know, i may be blinded by compassion Flyguyintheskyi didnt do any of the tasks i was going to do, but i needed to be around you to be honest Flyguyintheskyafter a few more things, like my semi introductions, you will see the angle i am coming from Guestyou can do your tasks now i will like to assist you as well FlyguyintheskyI have to do many favors in 5 hours, and then work for my bills, and then find ways to move forward Flyguyintheskyi appreciate you so much but it is 3am and i needed to be in an honest backdrop setting Flyguyintheskyso now we did that, i will let you go, i will go, and this is worth 15$ for you to know that we will be doing a sort of different kind of gig Flyguyinthesky example Guestthank you its so nice to have a conversation withyou Flyguyintheskyi need to text 5 people in the A.M around 7am, and tell them "Hello, I will look into the day and tell you my arrival as soon as possible" Flyguyintheskyso I set my phone to do it, but Flyguyintheskyif you went to set my auto service, you are not on my phone Flyguyintheskyso, there is 2 tasks Flyguyinthesky1 to set a task, 2 to set an automated task from a central command Guestyes just tell me Flyguyinthesky:) sub contracting will come in handy when we do software or other things that take hours Flyguyintheskyi get 16hours of family work, then 8 hours of sleep, today i got 14 hours of work and so I got a little time Flyguyintheskyyou spent it with me, i appreciate it Flyguyintheskyi will do this more and the goal is for you to help me direct my certain knowledges into incoe Flyguyintheskyincome* the money goes to people who work for it, and we build a network of tools and keep getting more free Guestyes sure i will Flyguyintheskyif no money comes, then the person I am in the chat room, Guest, still gets paid Flyguyintheskytime here moves slow or fast, but we are learning how to control that time Flyguyintheskyand bring in big big math, but we will start small, i will leave a task list for many people, those who engage in their time will go further and get things and will keep being brought around Guesttogether we will learn new things from each other and achieve goals Flyguyintheskythose who do not want anything else from life, will fall short of someone sprinting to better themselves, so they will need to be comforted Flyguyintheskywe will aim at turning your time with me into an income we both get, but mostly there will be nothing to do, we will have to sit and wait, Flyguyintheskymaybe years Flyguyintheskyinbetween that time, we can develop you tools Flyguyintheskyyou need to learn about any office tool u dont know about, such as a Flyguyintheskyi know secrets from ancient sumerian tablets, and from intense poly-math Flyguyintheskybut if you tell me to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it will come out sloppy and gunky Flyguyintheskyor i may say 'where is the peanut-butter" when i am looking directly at it Flyguyintheskymy brain is a device cut into multiple fragments, therefore i can live multiple lives, i have many names, i am just more and more tired in each attitude I pick up Flyguyintheskyi can do back flips or with a bit more practice can join a circus, i find myself in many fights as well Flyguyintheskyi am strong but weak, soft but hard, and am easy prey to those who are weak Flyguyintheskyhave a good night i am letting you go Guestbut you are also good at what you are doing Flyguyintheskywe need concept art, then a blueprint file, then a CG blueprint, then a 3d Printer and shipper to produce 2 prototype cerebral helmets Guestgood night Guestcheck. 1.2. FlyguyintheskySyste ms Check FlyguyintheskySystems Check FlyguyintheskyWill check HTML here soon also GuestYup Bexiitesting Bexiitesting Bexii Bexii> Bexii>< > Bexiiyessss Bexii>< Bexii Bexii>< >< Bexii>< >< < >< Bexii>< p>< < Bexii> Bexii> Bexii Bexii Bexii> Bexii>< > Bexii> Bexii> > Bexii Bexii Bexii> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< > Bexii>< > Bexii>< > Bexii> Bexii> Bexii>> Bexii> > Bexii> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< >>< >> Bexii>< >< >> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< >> Bexii>< s >< >> Bexii>< s >< s >> Bexii>< span >< s >> Bexii>< /span >< s >> Bexii>< /span >< span >> Bexii>< span >> Bexii>< /p >< p >> Bexii< span >> Bexii< /p >< p >> Bexii< span > Bexii< /p >< p > Bexii< p > Bexii Bexii Bexii< /p >e< p > Bexii< /p >< /p >< p >< p > Bexii< /p >< /script >console.log("test")< script >< p > Bexii< /p >< /script >console.log("test")< script >< p > Bexii Bexii< /p >e< p > Bexii Bexii< img onerror=alert(1) src=a> Bexii Bexii Bexii Bexii< [ Bexii< Bexii> Bexii< > Bexii Bexii«a Bexii&#174input Bexii//< Bexii// Bexii< Bexii< a > Bexii< Bexii< a Bexii1 2 3 Bexii Bexii Bexii";console.log('test');// Bexii\xnn Bexii Bexiiyour filter is too strong ♡